Stark Raving Sober

July 24, 2009
July 25, 2009, 9:26 am
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Friday morning musings…a day full of general housekeeping, gardening, errands and life. I’ve taken the old chipped polish off my tootsies, chatted with 3 sponslings,  shared in some good news, some okay news, and not so good news. None of it worth getting drunk over. I’ve done some reading and some praying and meditating. I’ve been informed of a great sale at Schnucks on fish and turkey breast.  I’ve had a little lunch, played with quite a few pets,  had words with a husband, made up with same husband, and read a few blogs.

All in all a good day. I was going to a state convention next weekend, and now the plan has been cancelled. Just as well, as I really couldn’t afford to do it anyway.  I would have found a way to make it work, but now I don’t have to. It’s a relief, really.

Tomorrow there is a fundraiser lunch to attend…some people starting a halfway house for men in the area. One of my friends is speaking, so that’ll be fun. Then we’ll go upcountry with some other friends and hang out and play cards and grill some burgers at their place, before going back to an 8PM meeting where a woman friend of mine is picking up her 12 year coin.

It will be a full weekend coming up.  And I’ll be ready for it!! lol

I have a birthday card to make, a flyer for the womens meeting potluck/speaker meeting to make, and a card for my aunt to make.  Naturally today the printer ink alert decided to go off. I have used the back-up cartridges already, so I don’t have any in the drawer… sigh…

On the whole, life is good. Kittens are sleeping in the living room after having been out helping dad with the hoeing and raking, dogs are sacked out in assorted and sundry places around the old homeplace, even the bird is quiet for a change.

Little Mo 027

Hmmm…this could be signalling nap time….

*Just got a call from a sponsling telling me she got a promotion and a payraise. I am tickled to death for her.  She is coming with me to a meeting tonight at 8…

May your day be filled with all things GOOD.