Stark Raving Sober

July 17, 2009
July 18, 2009, 10:49 am
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It stands to reason that the minute one thing happens, the energies present attract more and more of the same thing into play.  Like attracts Like, the Kaballah says.  So there you have it.  I continue to laugh and be optimistic and trust that everything happens for a  reason.

From this vantage point, sometimes, I appear to be pissing in the wind, as it were.  (That’s an awful lot of commas in one sentence…)

On the other hand, I live a relatively calm and happy life. That has to count for something.

This morning, a friend came by and helped with the Detyour Road Restoration Project (thanks, Paxaa), lol.  I went to the doctor about my knee. He says it is a definite tear, but when I told him it isn’t hurting near like it was  a week ago, he said there was a possibility that it was healing by itself.  I told him I had been on a 2 week diet of pain pills and Aleve and was being careful to keep it up when I was sitting.  He said that in 22 years of being a surgeon he had never yet done an unnecessary surgery…and if this was healing, he’d rather not do the surgery. I agreed 100% with him.   He said, keep doing what you’re doing for another couple of weeks.   If it reverts to the bad pain again, call the office and they’d set it up to be operated on.  I also asked him about my thumb (while I was there) and he took a look at it and said it’s trigger finger. The ligament that goes through a little archway of bone every time you flex your finger has swollen and isn’t fitting through it right anymore. It’s catching. If it doesn’t get better with the anti-inflammatory in a couple of weeks we can do a little in-office proceedure under a local anesthetic and release the ligament.

This is the guy that everybody told me they didn’t like. I thought he was swell.

I put posters up of Fred, the lost dog that has taken up residence in our garage.  Here is a picture of him:

July 2009 002

He’s a sweet old thing, but the cats don’t much like him. (But, they are real suspicious creatures anyway). He has a tendency to run up to them, they hiss, he starts, they run, he chases them. So…it’s not all him.  I put the posters up in the two grocery stores in town…hope somebody wants him back.

Meeting tonight, getting ready to start supper, have a couple of phone calls to return and frankly, I feel like I need a nap.

Life on the prairie is an adventure, every day.  I am one lucky duck…