Stark Raving Sober

July 14, 2009
July 15, 2009, 5:43 am
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This morning broke warm and muggy. The sun obscured by a light haze of cloudy miasma, enough to bring the humidity count up to sticky.  I lay in bed longer than I should have, but enjoyed the sounds of the cats running with joy in the living room, the birds singing outside and the distant tap, tap, tap of a red bellied woodpecker.

It’s been a productive morning.  Picked cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, kale, beets  and mustard.  Picked a handful of onions and sweet banana peppers. Picked about 3 cups of early blackberries.  I have carrots, limes, celery, blueberries,peaches and apples to use in the juice this morning. I am finishing up the last glass of the last batch even as we speak.  It tastes really good. I like putting the limes into it..they give it a clean taste.I make about 5 quarts at a time…and drink it throughout the week.

Garden patrol was pleasant this morning…another opportunity to commune with the Creator as I walk the rows and marvel at the miracles of life and growth.  The green beans are proving an interesting dilemma…the Kentucky Wonders are being eaten silly by the damned Japanese Beetles, while the Missouri Wonders (on the other side of the trellis) are untouched.  Hmmmm….I need to make sure to note this in my garden Journal.

Tonight is the class on sustainable living. That means I have to have a quick supper ready when himself gets home so we can eat and run. Usually I make something like veggie burritos, for instance, and I eat before he gets home so that he can eat in the car as I drive us there.  It’s a very close timeline for us, as the class is at 7 and he gets home around 5 after 6.  It takes us half an hour to drive there. He has to clean up and change clothes, as he gets really dirty at work. It’s  quite a challenge really. But always well worth it…so we keep doing it. I was thinking about making a light dessert to take tonight as well, something finger-foody that we can snack on as we talk.   Pat is  doing the opener for the class tonight… He’s going to talk about the Arcata Marsh project, from where we used to live in Northern California. It is a wastewater treatment plant that reclaimed wetlands and is one of the oldest and  longest running projects of its kind in this country.  If you’re interested, you can google it–, probably. I’ll check that after I finish and post this to make sure. Anyway, it is a beautiful place, and when we were young and in love (lol) we used to walk out there almost every day, and because it’s on the Pacific Flyway, he would dazzle me with his knowledge of birds and identify them, sometimes by song.  Many happy memories there….like the first time he kissed me.   awwwww….(I know).   🙂

I got the grass all mowed yesterday, so let the rains come.

I was thinking as I gathered eggs this morning that I should make a quiche..or maybe a fritatta. I have plenty of odds and ends of fresh veggies to put in it.  Hmmm…what a good idea. That dish is as good cold as it is hot…crust or no crust.  That’s the question.  If I make it with crust, I could take that along to the meeting, couldn’t I ??

Oh, the joys of country living…I am blessed.
