Stark Raving Sober

July 20,2009
July 21, 2009, 6:28 pm
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Really stupid middle aged woman plants irises and cannot walk the next day!!!!

So what does she do?? She  does even more crazy stuff.  Like bending over at a spring that runs out of the ground to fill 29 gallon jugs. That should help.

LOL…I am just not that girl who says “Oh, I probably shouldn’t do this…”  Or “They said I shouldn’t do this…”  If I were THAT girl, I would still be in that hospital bed and walking around with that goofy assed walker.  Instead, I am a rebel, a Know-It-All, a stubborn as a mule kind of a girl.  A “Don’t try to tell me” kind of a girl.

So, I plant irises and gardens and do what I can get away with for as long as I can, and then I shuffle around for a few days and am forced to take it easy.  lol  SEE?? It all evens out in the end.

I had really planned to be asleep long before now. I even fell asleep in front of the computer for a minute, until my beloved Jack Russell Terrorist (Molly) farted a fart so vile that it woke me up. I swear, that dog is 10 pounds of crazy in an 8 pound bag.  As soon as I woke up, she immediately stood up and stretched, as if to say “My work here is done.”  And laid her sweet little head on my knee for some ear scratches.  Against my best intentions, I adore that little girl dog… She teaches me so much about life on a daily basis.  Play, play, play until you (or someone) drop(s). Act big, even if you are not.  Be fiercely loyal to your family (this includes the other dogs and all the cats). Only eat when you are hungry-no matter what.  Get all the pets you can muster.  Stay Focused.
Here’s a great picture of her:  June2006wedding 002

Time for me to visit the Sandman…
